Your business is meant to be a reflection of you and your truth! Not the perfect implementation of a template that made someone else successful.

When you anchor into your own truth, you will have a stronger sense of how to design and evolve your business in ways that truly suit you.

As you develop a natural ease with your work, you will intuitively know where to focus to create a flourishing business.


If you missed either of my recent articles about this topic, you can check them out here:


The Prevalent Mainstream Template

In Mainstream business or marketing classes, you learn about business templates of various kinds. The consultant, mentor, or coach likely shares:

  • A step-by-step method to create your signature program
  • A sequence of elements to incorporate passive income into your business
  • A protocol to follow for your marketing efforts

They claim that if you take the steps as designed, you and your business will be in good shape!

There's a spoken or unspoken message that "this" is the right way to create success for yourself; "anything else" won't take you where you want to go.

You see that your classmates, colleagues, and most successful social media influencers are all following these guidelines. You've heard a few stories of great success and perhaps seen your colleagues reach a new level of success.

After some thought, you decide to take the leap and invest your time, money, and energy in this path to success. It feels so good to have a plan to follow.

... Until it doesn't.

Change Catalysts Aren't Built Like Other Business Owners

While working with Change Catalysts over the years, I've discovered that we have several unique ways of connecting with our businesses. For example:

  • Highly intuitive business owners engage differently with their business than those who build their business based on logic and the numbers.
  • Creative entrepreneurs generate amazing ideas that don't fit into the "focus-on-one-thing" rule of the Mainstream Approach to business.
  • Sensitive entrepreneurs have a deeply nuanced understanding of their work that gets so watered down in the usual business template that it hardly resembles their true work at all.
  • Introverts thrive under much different scenarios than extroverts.
  • Those with a deep sense of integrity and high regard for the well being of their clients tend to feel uncomfortable with the manipulative, scarcity-based push marketing and hard sales strategies of the Mainstream Approach.

Do You See Yourself in the Statements Above?

If so, it's likely you:

  • Feel as if you are constantly trying to fit a round peg into a square hole.
  • Realize that your unique essence is no longer reflected in what you are creating.
  • Notice that you are hesitant to take action because you don't feel comfortable with your proposed destination or the way you are being told to get there.

None of this means you are broken. There is nothing wrong with you!

It just means that the Mainstream way of doing business isn't your way!

(If you'd like to hear me share more about why the
Mainstream Approach Doesn't Work for Change Catalysts, listen below

Click Play Button to Listen

One Note of Caution:

If you are forcing yourself to follow the Mainstream path to achieve the results you've been promised, it's unlikely you will be successful. Here's why:

When you aren't feeling in sync with the business you are trying to create, you don't (and won't) take the actions needed to grow.

Within the Organic Way

The Mainstream's adage that there is only one way to develop and build a business is not true! There is not one magic template to follow.

Your business is meant to be a reflection of you and your truth! Not the perfect implementation of a template that made someone else successful.

The key is to design your business in ways that:

  • Align with your natural way of being
  • Blend with the realities, responsibilities, and constraints that are present in your life
  • Fully reflect your wisdom and expertise

This holds true whether you are a Seasoned Change Catalyst bringing your existing business into better alignment or an Emerging Change Catalyst creating your first offer.

The more that your work with clients, business structures, services, and marketing methods align with who you are at your core, the easier it will be for you to create and nurture a flourishing business.


If you are forcing yourself to create a business that doesn't align with your values, integrity, and natural way of being, it's time for a reset!

Creating a clearer sense of your essence will provide you with valuable knowledge that anchors you in your truth! With this knowing, you will be in a stronger position to design and evolve your business in ways that truly suit you.

I invite you to join the circle that is gathering for the Come Home to Yourself Virtual Retreat...June 27th Live or self-paced after June 28th.

Come Home to Yourself: A Virtual Retreat

What works best for you creates
the strongest foundation to nurture
the growth of your flourishing business. ​ ​

Join me for my upcoming virtual retreat to:

  • Reconnect with your truth, joy, and natural way of being
  • Discover new ways to bring your business into alignment with you and your life

Throughout the retreat, you'll gather insights with the help of prompts and activities to connect you with a deeper level of insight and knowing.

  • Hour 1: Shift Your Focus - consciously make the pivot from Who You've Been to Who You Are Becoming!
  • Hour 2: Claim What Nourishes You - what's important to you, what has meaning for you, what engages you
  • Hour 3: Identify Your Natural Style - how you schedule your day, how you work with clients, how you share your work with potential clients
  • Hour 4: Explore Your True Capacity - time, energy, responsibilities, realities

​Read more retreat details on my site

***NEW: I've just added two Retreat Only Options! $80.00***