Are you taking your work in a new direction?
In this episode, Carol shows Coaches, Healers, and other Change Catalysts why traditional “Build Your Business” coaching programs and courses do not work for those who want to take their work in a new direction.
If you have struggled to move your business forward, it’s possible you’ve been on the wrong path!
Listen to the new Carol's Nook Episode to discover a new path that supports you in “Developing Your New Work.”
The right path makes all the difference!
An Excerpt from Taking Your Work in a New Direction:
We have come to believe that “Build Your Business” courses and coaching programs are designed to help everyone.
They are not.
They are designed to help those who are already clear about their existing business.
If you're in the process of evolving your new work — adding a new program, developing a new body of work or creating a new business venture — you aren't clear about your focus. You are by definition in the process of becoming clear. It doesn't mean you won't ever be clear. It just means you aren't clear yet.
You are standing in the unknowns of your new work trying to understand its true form. And when you're in such place of discovery, you do not have the clarity to figure out your niche, to figure out your offers, or to figure out how to talk about your work.
Without clarity about what you do, you can't move forward to create your new work and share it with the world.
During this 25-minute solo show, I share how my quest to take my own work in a new direction led me to make some new discoveries about how the process of "Developing Your Work" is not the same as "Building Your Business."
These two paths are distinctly different. If you don't know the differences, then you'll struggle as I once did! I don't want you to go through the years of costly, energy-draining detours, delays, and deadlines I experienced.
I hope you enjoy my new episode:
Taking Your Work in a New Direction
If you'd like to understand more about developing your new work, download Carol's eBook: 7 Vital Milestones to Turn Your Emerging Idea into a Flourishing Business