Your business is made of three interlocking building blocks that must work together in a coordinated fashion. Discover a holistic approach to strength...
To create a clear, aligned, and resonant business vision for 2024, you must start with a grounded sense of yourself, your life, your needs, and your d...
Join me for the Third Annual Retreat to prepare for the new year and create organic momentum for your life and business. Registration is now open! #Ne...
Feeling stuck, burned out, stale, or uninspired with how you are thinking about your work with clients, your business, or your marketing? To thrive na...
The Mainstream's adage that there is only one way to develop and build a business is NOT true! There is NOT one magic template to follow. Your busines...
When you aren't landing on answers about your business that feel right to you and you don't feel confident in your decisions, you won't be able to fol...
Within the Mainstream Approach to developing and building your business, you are encouraged to look outside yourself for direction: your niche, your i...
As I honor the 15th anniversary of my Mom's passing, I am struck by how her way of being continues in the world through my work. Her connection with n...
If you are frustrated by the constant pressure to identify your marketing niche and ideal client avatar, you will want to listen to my new podcast epi...
If you ever blame yourself for not creating enough progress in your business, take heart! It's possible your style, your way of working with clients,...
Mainstream business courses and coaching give you the impression that you "should" be able to develop a detailed vision from scratch in short order. T...
We all have a vision of creating a thriving business doing what we love with the clients who touch our hearts. But the journey from here to there isn'...