Clarity Changes Everything: Holidays and Your Search for Clarity

Business Development & Momentum 2 min read
Clarity Changes Everything: Holidays and Your Search for Clarity

In my experience, your inner quest for clarity doesn't go on vacation.

Wherever you are celebrating — walking on the beach, sitting with family at a BBQ, taking a hike, hanging out in your backyard, or swimming at the local pool — you are still aware of an undercurrent of angst regarding your business and your new work.

You may be engaging in conversations, showing up with your family and friends, and being a part the celebration, but a part of you is still wondering and worrying.

  • What is the focus of my work?
  • Why can't I figure this out?
  • How am I going to move forward with my business?
  • What do I need to do to figure out my next steps?
  • What's the best way for me to increase my income?

If you've been at this quest for a while, you may have asked yourself these questions over and over and over.

Perhaps you've found a few answers, but you are still pondering the others. You are hungry for answers! Ready to move on with your business, but you can't because you aren't clear enough...yet.

Please Know, You Are NOT Alone This Holiday Weekend

When I'm in this mode, I find it hard to show up in full celebration mode. A part of me continues to churn inside, trying and trying to find the answers I'm looking for.

It is so easy to feel alone in this scenario because you are running at such a different frequency than everyone else around you. What's important to you in the moment doesn't even appear on anyone else's radar.

A Natural Phase of the Journey

Although you may have felt shame about your lack of clarity in the past, I want you to know that your state of confusion is a natural phase of the journey to bring your new work into the world.

In fact, it’s an essential part of the process!

You aren't failing or slacking off.
You are actively evolving an emerging body of work.

You will be clear in the future,
you just aren’t clear YET!


Ready for a Clarity Breakthrough?

To gain more clarity about your work and your business direction, it's essential to know where you are right now. With a clear sense of your current status, you'll discover the best way for you to create more clarity.

If you'd like to understand more, download Carol's eBook:

7 Vital Milestones to Turn Your Emerging Idea into a Flourishing Business.

Evolve Your Work Clarity First Change Catalysts Core Focus