Discover How Signs of Hesitation Are Gold

3 min read
Discover How Signs of Hesitation Are Gold

In my last blog, I introduced you to the three interlocking building blocks. These elements must work together in a coordinated fashion to create a flourishing business: Your Work, Your Marketing Outreach, and Your Life. When you discover how to enhance these building blocks, you’ll have the opportunity to create more momentum in your business.

Whether you are an Emerging Change Catalyst with a new business or a Seasoned Change Catalyst exploring ways to evolve your existing business, the most organic way to experience new levels of momentum for your work and business is to strengthen the nuances that make up each building block of your business.

Discover What Needs Strengthening

When you discover something in one of your building blocks "doesn't feel right to you" you may hold back. Perhaps something "makes you feel uncomfortable," or "causes you to hesitate." It’s frustrating that you can’t just push through the hesitation.

This feeling is a remnant of the Mainstream message that you must be in action constantly to hit your goals. You may also be battling with messages about pushing through your fear or making yourself take action to stay on track. These patterns may send you spiraling into a deep abyss of self-defeating shame. Unfortunately, crawling out of the abyss requires a lot of energy.

Within the Organic Way, these feelings of hesitation indicate that there is something important for you to discover! This insight isn't a sign you are doing something wrong (cue Mainstream Approach)! It's a sign that you are in the process of receiving an insight that will improve your life and business.

Your intuition is telling you that something about your current vision or plan isn't quite working. Use this opportunity to make new decisions about the best ways to strengthen your business.

Developing your way of tuning into the nuances of your experience is a foundational skill. You can tap into this Organic Way skill as you create, develop, and grow your business. Your heightened awareness helps you spot the part of your vision or plan that needs to evolve.

Discover What Happens When You are Out of Sync?

If you feel out of sync with your business, you will have a difficult time creating momentum in your business.

When you discover you feel confused, overwhelmed, or indecisive, pay attention! There's a good chance that you lack clarity, feel uncertain, or feel out of alignment with something. If these signs go unnoticed and unheeded, you'll turn your frustration in on yourself. Over time, this will deplete your own self-esteem and diminish your progress.

For example:

  • Without clarity about your focus or your services, you won’t know where to put your attention, time, or resources. In all likelihood, you’ll sit on the fence and struggle to commit to your business 100%.
  • Without sufficient confidence in yourself and your work, you won’t step out to share your work. If you force yourself to talk with potential clients, your energy will be off, and you won't attract your best clients.
  • Without a sense of alignment between your life and your business, you won’t pursue opportunities to share your business. Even if you want to expand your work, you will feel conflicted, with your foot on the brake and the gas pedal at the same time.
  • Without a supportive culture within, you will use your precious energy battling with the Mainstream noise. Any time you hear what you should do and how fast you should do it, stop. In the end, these Mainstream messages will derail you, sending you on unnecessary detours and into costly dead-ends.

When you discover the source of your discomfort, make slight adjustments to your vision or your plan to spark new levels of excitement and fulfillment.

This Discovery Process is the Focus of the Upcoming Retreat

During the upcoming retreat, Clear Your Path to 2024, I'll share writing prompts to guide you as you explore the state of your business. With prompts designed specifically for Emerging and Seasoned Change Catalysts, you be able to see where you are clear, confident, and comfortable with what you are creating.

Through your responses to these prompts you will discover a clear sense of where you are now and what needs your attention. These priorities will bring more momentum into your life, your work, and your business. Your "next step plan" will guide you throughout the year as you evolve and grow your work organically.

Put these ideas to work in your business, join us on December 8 or January 12
for our retreat to prepare for the new year: Clear Your Path to 2024!