In a Fog? Clarity Changes Everything

Business Development & Momentum 2 min read
Clarity Changes Everything - In a fog

Imagine you are driving on a mountain road.

The more you climb, the more your visibility decreases.

Suddenly you realize you have entered a patch of dense fog. You can barely see the road, let alone what's ahead.

What do you do?

  • Speed up to get out of the fog?
  • Stop in the middle of the road and wait?
  • Find a safe way to get off the road to wait for the fog to lift?
  • Keep driving cautiously?

Now imagine you are taking your business in a new direction.

You've made some progress, but now you are feeling confused. You can't see a clear path forward. You can't go backward. You are in a fog.

What do you do?

  • Do you rush to take action?
  • Do you just stop where you are and wait?
  • Do you take some time to assess your situation and find a safe path forward?
  • Do you keep moving forward, paying close attention to what's unfolding?

The "Take Action" Approach to Fog

The "Build Your Business" Approach advocates staying in action. Don't Delay! Take Action! Get Out There.

This mantra works well when you are clear. When you know your business and you see where you want to go, great. Go for it. Taking action makes sense.

When you are in the process of developing a new level of your work or taking your work in a new direction, you are, understandably, a bit fuzzy about your emerging ideas and your unfolding journey. In this case, following the Take Action mantra is like speeding up on a foggy mountain road.

If you value yourself, your idea, and your business, this approach is not well advised!

There Is Another Way Forward Through the Fog

Your current confusion is a sign that there is something new to discover BEFORE you act on your idea!

Rushing into action when you aren't clear about your work is uncomfortable for a reason.

You Are Not Ready!

That's all that's going on.

There's nothing wrong with you, your ideas, your work, or your business.

Your hesitation is a sign of wisdom. Honor the message by focusing on gaining the clarity you need to take the next step from a place of desire, confidence, and trust rather than forcing yourself to take action.

When you aren't ready...
When you aren't standing in a place of confidence...
When you are being belittled or shamed by those you are paying to guide you...

Begin by honoring your experience of hesitation and focus your attention on gaining clarity before you take more actions.

Taking action is so much easier when the fog dissipates.

If you'd like to understand more about gaining clarity , download Carol's eBook:

7 Vital Milestones to Turn Your Emerging Idea into a Flourishing Business.

Clarity First Evolve Your Work Build Your Business Change Catalysts Core Focus