There are so many things we don't know right now.
What's even harder is there's no way to figure anything out in this moment.
And yet there is one thing we DO know.
The unprecedented changes we are experiencing right now are like nothing we've ever experienced before.
Of course, there have been previous pandemics and other experiences that have impacted every person on this planet, but something about this time is bringing the totality of this experience home in a different way.
A New Unsettled World
Everyone I talk to or read about is tumbling around in this newly unsettled world. We are trying to find our feet so we can stand and do something, anything to feel more stable. But then we are pulled inward to soothe our tender hearts and souls before we can even attempt to take any action. Through it all we are navigating a whole host of emotions and energies that are swirling around us, near and far, ours and others'.
As we experience the unfolding, day by day, we are called to tend to our own needs, our own heart, our own soul.
We are called upon to support our families in whatever way is possible in the moment.
- Some days it takes hours to find a point of center where we can breathe and feel any sort of focus.
- Some days are better than others.
- Sometimes we are feeling so unsettled and unmoored that we can't even begin to think of doing much besides our own deep self-care.
If you are experiencing any personal transitions in the midst of this huge global unfolding, my tender heart feels your tender heart. I've had several unexpected, out-of-the-blue jolts in the last 12 days that have literally taken my breath away at times. Suffice to say I know firsthand that it's quite an experience to navigate both simultaneously. (I'll share my personal story at another time...I am finding my way each day too.)
Stepping Forward in Tender Times
And, as a Change Catalyst, you may also be receiving the message that this is your time to step forward to help your loved ones, your clients, and your community.
As raw and vulnerable as you feel, this feeling that there's something more for you to do may show up unexpectedly and even persistently.
But how do we honor our own deep journey WHILE simultaneously
sharing our wisdom and expertise in this unsettled time?
I have been asking myself this question all week in various ways.
- How can I be "on" while I'm feeling so tender and unsettled inside myself?
- Do I even have anything to offer when the world is going through so much?
- Who am I to even think I have answers for others when I can't even find my own way?
Yesterday I realized that this moment isn't calling for "answers."
This moment is asking me to be present in the here and now with you, just as I am.
Being Present
From my own place of sweet, deep vulnerability, I am inviting you to be present with yourself in the same way. Give your tender heart some time to be with yourself as you make sense of the free fall that started in earnest just days ago.
I know deep within me that we each have something important to offer in the days ahead. Whether you've been preparing your entire life for a shift like this or you've recently been called to develop your skills as a Change Catalyst, we all have a role to play as we step into this new era.
Two years ago, when I was asked to host a podcast, I realized that my greatest gift is to support Change Catalysts at the Growing Edge of Our Times. I'll have more to share about this soon. For now, we all need to be present with ourselves. That is our deepest calling in this moment.
In the days to come, I will likely write when I have something to share. Don't expect consistency in the traditional sense of a weekly newsletter or blog post. I'm running with the energy and the ideas as they come to me. I may write a few posts one week, and then there may be a lull the next. It's the only way I know to roll with the energies of my own personal journey, the evolution that's unfolding within my business, and the changes we are experiencing.
Know that I'm here with you in this time. Just like you, I have no idea what's ahead, but I do believe that we are strongest together.
Be well.
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Podcasts to soothe your soul during these tender times
This three-part series about change may interest you.
- The Nature of Change (Episode 17)
- The Seasons of Change (Episode 18)
- The Nuances of Change (Episode 19)
You can find the resources for each episode on this page (Scroll down to Episodes 17, 18, and 19)