Turn Your Hesitation Into A Catalyst For Building Momentum

Business Development & Momentum 4 min read
Turn Your Hesitation Into A Catalyst For Building Momentum

As a Change Catalyst, it's likely you are looking to build more momentum in your business.

  • You might be finishing your training and certification and facing the task of getting your first paying clients.
  • You may already have your first few clients, and now you are trying to figure out how to build momentum in your business.
  • Or you could be a seasoned Change Catalyst who is in the process of re-imagining and redesigning your work and your business in ways that are more effective and fulfilling.

As you find your way forward, you experience moments of hesitation, unsure of what you should do next.

The Path to More Momentum

Evolving your work and running your business is a journey full of unknowns, with a series of decisions to make and numerous nuances to sort out.

There are inherent twists and turns, ups and down as you gain clarity about your vision and bring your work to life. Worry, hesitation, fears, and unknowns fill your head much of the time.

It's normal to get caught in an eddy of confusion, overwhelm, or frustration where you can’t figure out the best way to move forward. What should you focus on? What order should you follow? When should you do what?

When you are in this place, you likely you feel a sense of hesitation.

Your Hesitation May Show Up in a Variety of Ways

When I talk with my clients, I often hear their hesitation show up in the following ways. Do you recognize any of these in yourself?

  • Something has you confused. You spend more time worrying about whether you’ll ever get beyond your confusion than you do on clarifying why you are confused.
  • You feel overwhelmed. You are so immersed in your overwhelm that you can’t step back to see what’s at the core of it or how to find your path forward. Your sense of overwhelm stops you from taking action.
  • You are deeply entrenched in perfection. You can’t release anything into the world because it’s not perfect yet. Every time you find a mistake, the error reinforces your belief that you need to keep working at it. How can you re-frame your experience to move your work forward?
  • You may feel stretched by too many ideas and tasks competing for your attention at one time. How do you make sense of it all? How do you choose what to focus on?
  • You may feel like you are spinning in action without making any progress. You aren’t sure how to sort out where to put your attention so you'll gain some traction.

Are You Spiraling?

Before you know it, your hesitation spirals into self-blame and self-doubt. You begin procrastinating. You feel anxious and nervous. You have a vague uneasiness about where you in your journey. You worry you'll be in this state of confusion forever. You wonder if you are really cut out for being an entrepreneur.

With all these emotions running through you, it’s hard to feel motivated and energized. When you feel so lost, it’s difficult to make decisions about your new work or to figure out where to focus your attention next. Over time, you worry about falling behind.

Please know you are not the only one who gets swamped by this dynamic. We all do this.

The trick is knowing how to turn your hesitation into a catalyst for momentum for your journey.

Find the Wisdom in Your Hesitation

I believe your body, mind, and intuition are spot on in their assessment of your next steps.

The wisdom in your hesitation tells you that something not quite right in your vision, your plan, or your next steps. Your being is pulling back, putting on the brakes, and questioning your next actions.

Honor your hesitation! Each time you hesitate is a gift!

Tune in to the underlying reasons you are pulling back. What element of your current scenario is not feeling right to you?

As you begin to reframe your hesitation as a clue, an insight, a catalyst that helps you move forward, you will experience more movement and momentum in your work and your business.

Your Growing Edge

Often our strongest hesitations show up around new decisions and new behaviors. We don't always realize how much extra umph it takes to do something for the first time.

I call this the Growing Edge of your business: doing a set of new tasks, stretching yourself in new ways to share your work, imagining a new form of your work. When you work with this unfolding energy you keep your momentum flowing and building.

I offer a single session to help my clients identify where they are clear and where they are hesitating. The pattern of their responses to ten questions helps us identify their growing edge and the next steps that will help move them forward in the most effective way.

If you'd like to understand more about what’s behind your hesitation, download Carol's eBook:

7 Vital Milestones to Turn Your Emerging Idea into a Flourishing Business.

Harvest Wisdom Evolve Your Work Hesitation